Bobsy Blog 2020 No. 22

Bobsy's Blog No. 22 - World Food Day - Website Graphic 01A-01.jpg

How do we feed 8 billion people without irrevocably destroying our home and our planet? This is perhaps the most urgent question facing humanity today.

The clarion call at MANA! is “Diet Change Not Climate Change.”

Our current global food system, of both growing and supplying the food, is the most destructive practice on the face of our Earth. It is so unbelievably destructive and unsustainable that scientists are predicting that we only have another 50 to 60 years tops of healthy soil left to grow food on before it turns into dead dirt. Now, this is seriously alarming!

Sadly, industrial monoculture (mono-agriculture) practices, which are the dominant food systems practiced since the mid-1970s are killing the topsoil at an exponential rate. Heavily dependant on pesticides and other toxic chemicals that kill all the bio-organisms in the soil, and thereby rendering the soil unproductive & lifeless. In turn, chemical farming depends on genetically modified crops (GMO) that are engineered to resist the chemicals used, and a vicious cycle is created that not only depletes the soil of all its nutrients and life but hooks the farmers into a deadly cycle, whereby they are totally dependant of the genetically modified crops and the chemicals sprayed onto them. This is having devastating results on the health of our entire global food system and consequently on the health of humanity.

We now know that industrial chemical farming is killing the biome. We also know that damaged Biomes can be regenerated through regenerative farming practices. Regenerative farming practices are wholistic farming methods that take into consideration the entire ecosystem including animal farming, the soil, and all life forms. These methods of farming, which are essentially very ancient, are not only sustainable but they produce much bigger and healthier yields of food which can generate more incomes and profits for the farmers. So, it becomes a win-win for all involved. My blog is too short here to go into details of Regenerative Farming and the benefits it can bring to all of humanity, but suffice to say we have the knowledge, skills, and money to turn our global food system around from a Death farming practice to a Life farming practice.

What is stopping us then? The answer to this is at once very complicated and very simple. I could get into the political, social and economic reasons why, and they may be valid to a certain extent but in essence, they are but symptoms of a much deeper root cause behind the collapse of our ecosystems and the unsustainable global economic system running havoc with our world today. The root cause lies within the dominant Paradigm containing all of humanity’s institutions, mores, and principles: The Materialism Paradigm. This has shaped and contained humanity’s growth since the 1500s.

As we collectively evolve into a much broader Paradigm replacing the Materialism zeitgeist, such destructive economic practices become anathema to human consciousness and we naturally abandon them as self-destructive or insane (you chose?). The good news is that there are hundreds of millions of people who are shifting their Worldview from a Materialism one to a Consciousness one, and therein lies the hope. With this exponential shift there is constructive hope for humanity to be able to live sustainably on our beautiful blue and green planet whilst supporting Billions of humans and all of creation living in harmony within the carrying capacity of our Earth Mother.

Until soon
Bobsy Gaia
Founder of MANA!


Bobsy Blog 2020 No. 23


Bobsy Blog 2020 No. 21