Bobsy Blog 2020 No. 20


Any premature death is tragic to the loved ones, families, and friends left behind regardless of the cause.

COVID-19 sheds light on underlying issues that we must not lose sight of, which can in fact be underlying causes. To put things into perspective, every day 5,000 children die unnecessarily from contaminated drinking water, that’s almost 2 million children every year… and almost 1 billion people go to bed hungry every night, yet hardly anyone is paying attention to this ongoing daily tragedy. Unlike COVID-19 (named after the year it was identified) which has been in the global media spotlight every moment of each day ever since.

Sadly COVID-19 is in the global spotlight mostly for the wrong reasons -- panic, fear, misinformation, misdiagnosis and the impact on the economy etc., the list goes on and on, it’s playing on our collective insecurity & disillusionment with our world leaders & governments. Most people can no longer trust the political system and what COVID-19 is showing us is how flawed and corrupt the social, political, and economic global system is. However, what it is doing subconsciously, is much more interesting & positive, all be it indirectly & unwittingly. It is waking us up to the path humanity is on. A path on which if we don’t change our direction, we will end up where we are going. A collective path of utter madness & insanity to put it mildly.

Have a look at these facts:

We are living in a world where if one is in possession of a little medicinal herb & some plants taken from nature, one could end up imprisoned, beaten to death or executed. WHY!?

A world where we are allowed to destroy our rainforests, the lungs of the world, to turn them into advertisements for air fresheners. WHY!?

A world where we can feed 100 billion factory-farmed animals & not be able to feed 1 billion human beings. WHY!?

A world where 5,000 children die every day from preventable dirty water & a world where 25,000 people die every day from preventable malnutrition. WHY!?

A world where there are more than double the number of people who are overfed (obese) than underfed (malnourished). WHY!?

A world where economic wealth is seen as the pinnacle of human achievement & success. WHY!?

A world where we get more energy from the Sun in one hour than the entire annual global energy consumption, yet we chose not to tap into this free natural renewable resource. WHY!?

A world where we deplete our oceans, contaminate our soil, pollute our air & poison our waters in order to “develop”. WHY!?

A world where war & disease make economic sense and a world in which we spend only 1% on Peace compared to how much we spend on war. WHY!?

We must start by asking ourselves “Why?”, and spend a little more time reflecting on the “Why?” to go deeper. Only then can we have an informed opinion & begin to understand the necessity for change. The necessity for change compels us forwards and makes the journey much less stressful & fearful. In experience, it is the first bold step towards real sustainable change.

COVID-19 the great awakener is waking us up to this madness because it is inviting us to pause, to reflect on the bigger picture, to slow down & contemplate our priorities. Our priorities as a humanity living on this beautiful blue & green marble in the darkness of space, and to ask ourselves the only question that really matters to one and all: How on Earth can 8 billion humans coexist peacefully with all of creation & share our ONE and ONLY home, Mother Earth!?

Until soon
Bobsy Gaia
Founder of MANA!


Bobsy Blog 2020 No. 21


Bobsy Blog 2020 No. 19