Bobsy Blog 2019 No. 13

Dear One & All,

As some of you may know by now we opened our 3rd & largest, to date, MANA! Starstreet flagship store on July 22nd. To say we are excited is an understatement, we are delighted!


Finally a large MANA! with space enough to express & showcase our concept & lifestyle. We have been so used to operating tight small outlets for so long now, that to have a 70 seater or 1600SqFt location, with Aircon, with comfortable seating, tables & chairs & just space to vibe our vibes is so refreshing! The last time I personally had this pleasure was when I was operating the now legendary Life (cafe) in Soho between 2004 & 2009. Space to be able to host & commune, space to be able to play our music, space to be able to weave the community, host events, screenings, documentaries & MANA! happenings & so forth is something I have sorely missed.

A long term HK friend messaged me last week & said “It’s so good to have some positive news in these difficult times & your opening of MANA! Starstreet is uplifting news for HK people.”

Indeed. This got me reflecting on something I hadn’t thought about for some time now and that is that there is a remarkable pattern going on here. Unintentional I can assure you, but serendipitous & subliminal no doubt.

We opened The fabled Bookworm Cafe during those worrying times of the handover back to China in 1997, when HK people were most concerned about their future & during a time when rumours were circulating, not too dissimilar to these daze now. We demonstrated a confidence & a love for HK back then by showcasing that we were not concerned with fear mongering & that personally my love for my chosen home outweighed any fears & that I was here to stay.

Then 7 years later comes SARS, a truly fearful time for HK People. Far more fearful than the political unrest happening today, because SARS spelt death to many people. It’s easy to forget but people were terrified & the majority of people were walking around with masks. So, to have opened the legendary Life in 2003 / 2004, in the heart of SoHo, in a three storey stand alone building with one of the highest rents in the area displayed not only a strong commitment to my beloved chosen home but confidence in the excellent medical system & the resilience of HK.

MANA! Central opened in 2012, granted it wasn’t a troubling time for HK but in an uncanny way it was for many peeps who were concerned about the ”end of the world” & “the end of the Mayan calendar“. I shall not dwell on this one because it seems petty now.

And here & now in July 2019, at the height of the civil unrest & public demonstrations, we so happen to be opening our largest MANA! flagship store right along the path of authorised marches. We have done it once again. Positive news in times of fear, uncertainty & worry.

We love HK & we are here to stay. We believe HK people are resilient & will step up to overcome fear mongering, rumours & the polarity-simplicity of us against them.

We are all one or none.

I don’t believe in Polytricks! (politics) I do believe in a Humanitarian, Ecological & Spiritual Worldview that transcends all political, religious, dogmatic & sectarian divisions.

All is One, One is All. ( M! Mantra No. 18 )

Until soon

Bobsy Gaia


Bobsy Blog 2019 No. 14